Lung Ultrasound for Point-of-Care COVID-19 Pneumonia Stratification: Computer-Aided Diagnostics in a Smartphone. First Experiences Classifying Semiology from Public Datasets


Lung ultrasound (LUS) has demonstrated potential in managing pneumonia patients, and is actively used at the point-of-care in COVID-19 patient stratification. However, image interpretation is presently both time-consuming and operator-dependent. We explore computer-aided diagnostics of pneumonia semiology based on light-weight neural networks (MobileNets). For proof-of-concept, multi-task learning is performed from online available COVID-19 datasets, for which semiology (overall abnormality, B-lines, consolidations and pleural thickening) is annotated by two radiologists. Initial results suggest that individual indications can be classified with good performance in a smartphone. Neural networks may also help to reduce inter-reader variability and objectivize LUS interpretation, especially for early-stage pathological indications.