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- New Approaches in Context Modelling for Tourism Applications
New Approaches in Context Modelling for Tourism Applications
[u' @incollection{bujan_new_2012, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {New {Approaches} in {Context} {Modelling} for {Tourism} {Applications}}, copyright = {\xa92012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-642-35376-5 978-3-642-35377-2}, url = {http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-35377-2_53}, abstract = {The notion of context has been widely studied and there are several authors that have proposed different definitions of context. However, context has not been widely studied in the framework of human mobility and the notion of context has been directly imported from other computing fields without specifically addressing the tourism domain requirements. In order to store and manage context information a context data model is needed. Ontologies have been widely used in context modelling, but many of them are designed to be applied in general ubiquitous computing environments, do not contain specific concepts related to the tourism domain or some approaches do not contain enough concepts to represent context information related to the visitor or tourist on the move as we need in the TourExp project. That is why we propose a new approach to provide a better solution to model context data in tourism environments, adding more value to our solution reusing Open Data about tourist resources from Open Data Euskadi initiative and publishing it as Linked Data.}, number = {7656}, urldate = {2013-11-04TZ}, booktitle = {Ubiquitous {Computing} and {Ambient} {Intelligence}}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author = {Buj\xe1n, David and Mart\xedn, David and Torices, Ortzi and Uriarte, Aritz}, editor = {Bravo, Jos\xe9 and L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Moya, Francisco}, month = jan, year = {2012}, keywords = {Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics), Computer Communication Networks, Computers and Society, Context Modelling, Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet), Knowledge Representation and Management, Linked Data, Open Data, Tourism, User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, ontologies, software engineering}, pages = {379--386} }']