- Publications
- Journal article
- Plataforma e-learning para la Gestión Integrada de Documentos Basada en la Digitalización Automática
Plataforma e-learning para la Gestión Integrada de Documentos Basada en la Digitalización Automática
[u' @article{lago_plataforma_2012, title = {Plataforma e-learning para la {Gesti\xf3n} {Integrada} de {Documentos} {Basada} en la {Digitalizaci\xf3n} {Autom\xe1tica}}, volume = {7}, issn = {1932-8540}, abstract = {Despite the advances in computing, traditional paper is still widely used in learning and knowledge work. Most current learning technologies do not account for this paper-centric practice and focus on a complete digitization of learning contents, activities, and communication. This paper presents an e-learning platform that combines work with printed and digital documents. It integrates pen-and-paper-based interaction techniques that enable users to manage their digitized documents. Moreover, this platform integrates different e-learning platforms providing a single intuitive interface to management them. Finally, a case study of the use of the platform in university education is presented.}, number = {3}, journal = {IEEE-RITA}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Pretel, Ivan}, year = {2012}, pages = {141--148} }']