- Publications
- Conference paper
- RoboBlock: A remote lab for robotics and visual programming
RoboBlock: A remote lab for robotics and visual programming
[u" @inproceedings{angulo_roboblock:_2017, title = {{RoboBlock}: {A} remote lab for robotics and visual programming}, shorttitle = {{RoboBlock}}, doi = {10.1109/EXPAT.2017.7984373}, abstract = {Robotics is part of K12 curricula in different subjects and countries because it is exciting and formative. To teach, the teacher and the school need a laboratory with robots, and this is a challenge because they are not cheap and they need to be maintained. In this scenario the use of a remote lab for robotics is a good solution. There are several remote labs for robotics, the main advantage of RoboBlock is that it offers in the same interface the robot and a visual tool based on Blockly to program the robot.}, booktitle = {2017 4th {Experiment}@{International} {Conference} (exp.at'17)}, author = {Angulo, Ignacio and Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Hernandez-Jayo, Unai and Uriarte, I\xf1igo and Rodriguez-Gil, Luis and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Mart\xednez-Pieper, Gabriel}, month = jun, year = {2017}, keywords = {Blockly, Hardware, K12 curricula, Programming profession, RoboBlock, Robot sensing systems, Tools, Visualization, educational robots, remote lab, remote labs, robot programming, robotics, visual programming, visual tool}, pages = {109--110} }"]