- Publications
- Journal article
- Students' review of acceptance, usability and usefulness of WebLab-Deusto
Students' review of acceptance, usability and usefulness of WebLab-Deusto
[u" @article{garcia-zubia_students_2009, title = {Students' review of acceptance, usability and usefulness of {WebLab}-{Deusto}}, volume = {7}, issn = {0972-7272}, number = {3}, journal = {Journal of Digital Information Management}, author = {Garcia-Zubia, Javier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Angulo, Ignacio and Irurzun, Jaime}, year = {2009}, keywords = {DBLP, Survey, WebLab-Deusto} }"]