- Publications
- Journal article
- VISIR: Experiences and Challenges
VISIR: Experiences and Challenges
[u' @article{tawfik_visir:_2012, title = {{VISIR}: {Experiences} and {Challenges}}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, journal = {iJOE}, author = {Tawfik, Mohamed and San Crist\xf3bal, Elio and Martin, Sergio and Gil, Charo and Pesquera, Alberto and Losada, Pablo and Diaz, Gabriel and Peire, Juan and Castro, Manuel and Zub\xeda, Javier Garc\xeda and Hern\xe1ndez, Unai and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Angulo, Ignacio and Costa-Lobo, Maria and Marques, Arcelina and Alves, Gustavo}, year = {2012}, keywords = {Remote Laboratories, VISIR, e-Learning}, pages = {25--32} }']