- Publications
- Conference paper
- WebTag: smart tag with embedded web server
WebTag: smart tag with embedded web server
[u' @inproceedings{echevarria_webtag:_2011, address = {Riviera Maya, Mexico}, title = {{WebTag}: smart tag with embedded web server}, isbn = {978-84-694-9677-0}, abstract = {In the field of traceability is increasingly common to find systems that extend the basic functionality of identification that is demanded. These platforms that leverage usually from RFID are used not only for asset tracking, they can also provide environmental conditions to which items have been exposed, adding value to the supply chain. This paper presents a concept for a new kind of smart tags equipped with a set of sensors and a tiny embedded web server. We highlight the research in the possibility to extend common functionality of smart tags by replacing the custom nonstandard software protocols with the well known TCP/IP standard and the different user interfaces with web browsers, becoming the interaction with the platform in a web browsing model.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th {International} {Symposium} of {Ubiquitous} {Computing} and {Ambient} {Intelligence} ({UCAMI} 2011)}, author = {Echevarr\xeda, Juan Jos\xe9 and Ruiz-de-Garibay, Jonathan and Vazquez, Juan Ignacio and Alvarez, Maite and Ayerbe, Ana}, year = {2011}, keywords = {Internet of Things, TCP/IP tunneling, Wireless sensor networks, embedded web server, near field communication, sensor tag, webtag, wireless sensor monitoring} }']