anabelen.lago [at] deusto.es
+34 944 139 003
+34 944 139 003
[u" @inproceedings{huerga_quantum_2022, address = {Split}, title = {A {Quantum} {Computing} {Approach} to {Human} {Behavior} {Prediction}}, isbn = {978-953-290-115-3}, abstract = {As quantum computing technologies become more mature, their applicability increases. One of the main challenges in intelligent environments is to correctly model and ascertain the users' behavior in order to react to it and cater to their needs. One of the main challenges in human behavior modeling is predicting the users' next actions. In this paper we propose using two different quantum computing algorithms in order to predict human behavior: Quantum Kernel Alignment and Quantum Support Vector Machines. Our experiments show that those algorithms outperform other traditional machine learning algorithms in this task. We also present a study that analyzes the influence of qubit noise in the performance of the quantum approach. This helps to understand how the accuracy of the quantum computing algorithms will increase as the underlying hardware matures and qubit noise is reduced.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th {International} {Conference} on {Smart} and {Sustainable} {Technologies} ({Splitech} 2022)}, publisher = {FESB, University of Spli}, author = {Huerga, \xc1lvaro and Almeida, Aitor and Lago, Ana Bel\xe9n and Aguilera, Unai}, month = apr, year = {2022}, keywords = {AI for health, activity recognition, artificial intelligence, behavior, behavior modelling, behavior prediction, futuraal, intelligent environments, machine learning, quantek, quantum computing, wos}, } "] [u' @inproceedings{pretel_evaluacion_2014, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, title = {Evaluaci\xf3n remota de aplicaciones m\xf3viles h\xedbridas: nueva aproximaci\xf3n en entornos reales}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-989-98434-3-1}, abstract = {Dentro del campo de la investigaci\xf3n en usabilidad, los dispositivos m\xf3viles han cobrado especial fuerza. Este tipo de dispositivos han mejorado sus propiedades exponencialmente dot\xe1ndose de capacidades de trabajo dignas de un ordenador personal y de peque\xf1os sensores que enriquecen las aplicaciones. Por el contrario, el desarrollo del campo de usabilidad para este tipo de aplicaciones y dispositivos no ha avanzado a un nivel acorde. Aunque existen varios est\xe1ndares y metodolog\xedas de evaluaci\xf3n, no existe una herramienta de evaluaci\xf3n remota espec\xedfica para entornos de contextos din\xe1micos, muy caracter\xedsticos de este tipo de dispositivos. Por ello, se expone mediante este trabajo una plataforma de evaluaci\xf3n remota que registra las propiedades del contexto en uso mediante el mismo dispositivo. Asimismo se presenta una evaluaci\xf3n preliminar realizada con una aplicaci\xf3n m\xf3vil h\xedbrida real donde se estudia el bajo nivel de influencia de la plataforma dentro de la interacci\xf3n.}, booktitle = {Actas de la 9\xaa {Conferencia} {Ib\xe9rica} de {Sistemas} y {Tecnolog\xedas} de {Informacion}}, author = {Pretel, Iv\xe1n and Lago, Ana Bel\xe9n}, year = {2014}, note = {00000}, keywords = {ISI, assessment, context-awareness, hci, hybrid mobile applications, mobile services}, pages = {383--388} }'] [u' @inproceedings{curiel_interfaz_2014, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, title = {Interfaz orientada a la persona: acceso transparente a servicios de comunicaci\xf3n interpersonal}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-989-98434-3-1}, abstract = {Las nuevas herramientas de comunicaci\xf3n e interacci\xf3n social, como las redes sociales, no est\xe1n dise\xf1adas teniendo en cuenta a colectivos con bajos conocimientos tecnol\xf3gicos y dificultades de interacci\xf3n como el sector de la tercera edad. Esto deriva en un indeseado aumento de la brecha digital y del nivel de aislamiento de estos colectivos. Por ello, en este trabajo proponemos la plataforma HiSozial, que haciendo uso de interfaces orientadas a la persona, encapsulamiento de servicios, combinaci\xf3n de diversas tecnolog\xedas de interacci\xf3n y personalizaci\xf3n pretende hacer accesible estas herramientas a los mencionados colectivos. Asimismo, presentamos la evaluaci\xf3n realizada para demostrar la validez de nuestra propuesta, incluyendo un estudio comparativo con dos aplicaciones no orientadas a colectivos con dificultades de interacci\xf3n.}, booktitle = {Actas de la 9\xaa {Conferencia} {Ib\xe9rica} de {Sistemas} y {Tecnolog\xedas} de {Informacion}}, author = {Curiel, Pablo and Pretel, Iv\xe1n and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2014}, note = {00000}, keywords = {ISI, Mobile devices, android, elderly, hci, hisozial, java, social networks}, pages = {536--542} }'] [u' @inproceedings{zabaleta_plataforma_2013, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, title = {Plataforma para la asistencia en la comunicaci\xf3n con dispositivos m\xf3viles sensible al contexto}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-989-96247-9-5}, abstract = {Gracias a los avances de las TIC en los \xfaltimos a\xf1os la oferta de canales de comunicaci\xf3n al alcance de los usuarios es muy amplia. Esto plantea un problema a la hora de comunicarnos con nuestros contactos, ya que disponemos de poca o ninguna ayuda para decidir por qu\xe9 medio de comunicaci\xf3n optar en cada caso. En este art\xedculo presentamos una plataforma que permite a los usuarios registrar los medios de comunicaci\xf3n de los que disponen y configurar preferencias de diversos tipos sobre ellos. Posteriormente, haciendo uso de esta informaci\xf3n, la plataforma es capaz de sugerir a los usuarios finales qu\xe9 medio emplear cuando desean establecer comunicaci\xf3n con sus contactos.}, booktitle = {Atas da 8\xaa {Confer\xeancia} {Ib\xe9rica} de {Sistemas} e {Tecnologias} de {Informac\xe3o}}, author = {Zabaleta, Koldo and Curiel, Pablo and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {ISI, Mobile devices, android, communication, java, jena, kontatu, reasoning, semantic technologies, social networks}, pages = {371--377} }'] [u' @incollection{rocha_behaviour_2013, series = {Advances in {Intelligent} {Systems} and {Computing}}, title = {The {Behaviour} {Assessment} {Model} for the {Analysis} and {Evaluation} of {Pervasive} {Services}}, volume = {206}, isbn = {978-3-642-36980-3}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36981-0_107}, abstract = {Several mobile acceptance models exist today that focus on user interface handling and usage frequency evaluation. Since mobile applications reach much deeper into everyday life, it is however important to better consider user behaviour for the service evaluation. In this paper we introduce the Behaviour Assessment Model (BAM), which is designed to gaining insights about how well services enable, enhance and replace human activities. More specifically, the basic columns of the evaluation framework concentrate on (1) service actuation in relation to the current user context, (2) the balance between service usage effort and benefit, and (3) the degree to which community knowledge can be exploited. The evaluation is guided by a process model that specifies individual steps of data capturing, aggregation, and final assessment. The BAM helps to gain stronger insights regarding characteristic usage hotspots, frequent usage patterns, and leveraging of networking effects showing more realistically the strengths and weaknesses of mobile services.}, booktitle = {Advances in {Information} {Systems} and {Technologies}}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author = {Klein, Bernhard and Pretel, Ivan and Reips, Ulf-Dietrich and Lago, Ana B. and Lopez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, editor = {Rocha, \xc1lvaro and Correia, Ana Maria and Wilson, Tom and Stroetmann, Karl A.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {human-computer interaction, living lab, log data analysis, mobile services, service design, technological acceptance model, user acceptance}, pages = {1129--1140} }'] [u' @article{klein_analysis_2013, title = {Analysis of {Log} {File} {Data} to {Understand} {Mobile} {Service} {Context} and {Usage} {Patterns}}, volume = {2}, issn = {1989-1660}, url = {http://www.ijimai.org/journal/sites/default/files/files/2013/06/ijimai20132_3_2_pdf_26595.pdf}, doi = {10.9781/ijimai.2013.232}, abstract = {Several mobile acceptance models exist today that focus on user interface handling and usage frequency evaluation. Since mobile applications reach much deeper into everyday life, it is however important to better consider user behaviour for the service evaluation. In this paper we introduce the Behaviour Assessment Model (BAM), which is designed to gaining insights about how well services enable, enhance and replace human activities. More specifically, the basic columns of the evaluation framework concentrate on (1) service actuation in relation to the current user context, (2) the balance between service usage effort and benefit, and (3) the degree to which community knowledge can be exploited. The evaluation is guided by a process model that specifies individual steps of data capturing, aggregation, and final assessment. The BAM helps to gain stronger insights regarding characteristic usage hotspots, frequent usage patterns, and leveraging of networking effects showing more realistically the strengths and weaknesses of mobile services}, number = {3}, journal = {International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence}, author = {Klein, Bernhard and Pretel, Ivan and Vanhecke, Sacha and Lago, Ana B. and Lopez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego}, month = sep, year = {2013}, keywords = {Analysis, hci, mobile services}, pages = {15--22} }'] [u' @inproceedings{curiel_simplenfc:_2013, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, title = {{SimpleNFC}: {Simplificaci\xf3n} del acceso a servicios del mundo digital mediante {NFC}}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-989-96247-9-5}, abstract = {Como consecuencia de los destacables avances en las tecnolog\xedas y soluciones en movilidad en los \xfaltimos a\xf1os, el tel\xe9fono m\xf3vil se ha convertido en un dispositivo casi indispensable en el d\xeda a d\xeda y que posibilita el acceso a un gran abanico de servicios. El problema surge en la interacci\xf3n con este tipo de dispositivos. As\xed, aunque la mayor parte de la poblaci\xf3n es capaz de trabajar con estos, algunos colectivos como las personas mayores, presentan grandes dificultades para ello. Para reducir la brecha digital existente para este colectivo proponemos una plataforma que hace uso de Near Field Communication (NFC) y tecnolog\xedas sem\xe1nticas. El objetivo de la misma es prestar distintos servicios al usuario a partir de la lectura de una combinaci\xf3n de etiquetas con un tel\xe9fono m\xf3vil, haciendo la interacci\xf3n con este tipo de dispositivos m\xe1s f\xe1cil y amigable.}, booktitle = {Atas da 8\xaa {Confer\xeancia} {Ib\xe9rica} de {Sistemas} e {Tecnologias} de {Informac\xe3o}}, author = {Curiel, Pablo and Zabaleta, Koldo and Pretel, Iv\xe1n and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {ISI, Mobile devices, android, java, jena, lagunfc, nfc, reasoning, semantic technologies, social networks}, pages = {364--369} }'] [u' @inproceedings{pretel_sistema_2013, address = {Lisboa}, title = {Sistema de evaluaci\xf3n de la efectividad del usuario sensible al contexto para aplicaciones m\xf3viles}, isbn = {978-989-96247-9-5}, booktitle = {{CISTI} 2013: 8\xaa {Conferencia} {Ib\xe9rica} de {Sistemas} y {Tecnolog\xedas} de {Informaci\xf3n}. {Evento} de la {IEEE}}, author = {Pretel, Iv\xe1n and Lago, Ana B}, month = jun, year = {2013}, keywords = {ISI, context-aware, efficiency, mobile services, usability testing} }'] [u' @article{lago_e-learning_2013, title = {An {E}-{Learning} {Platform} for {Integrated} {Management} of {Documents} {Based} on {Automatic} {Digitization}}, volume = {8}, issn = {1932-8540}, doi = {10.1109/RITA.2013.2258230}, number = {2}, journal = {Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Pretel, Ivan}, year = {2013}, pages = {48--55} }'] [u' @article{curiel_infrastructure_2013, title = {An {Infrastructure} to {Enable} {Lightweight} {Context}-{Awareness} for {Mobile} {Users}}, volume = {13}, issn = {1424-8220}, url = {http://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/13/8/9635}, doi = {10.3390/s130809635}, abstract = {Mobile phones enable us to carry out a wider range of tasks every day, and as a result they have become more ubiquitous than ever. However, they are still more limited in terms of processing power and interaction capabilities than traditional computers, and the often distracting and time-constricted scenarios in which we use them do not help in alleviating these limitations. Context-awareness is a valuable technique to address these issues, as it enables to adapt application behaviour to each situation. In this paper we present a context management infrastructure for mobile environments, aimed at controlling context information life-cycle in this kind of scenarios, with the main goal of enabling application and services to adapt their behaviour to better meet end-user needs. This infrastructure relies on semantic technologies and open standards to improve interoperability, and is based on a central element, the context manager. This element acts as a central context repository and takes most of the computational burden derived from dealing with this kind of information, thus relieving from these tasks to more resource-scarce devices in the system.}, number = {8}, journal = {Sensors}, author = {Curiel, Pablo and Lago, Ana B}, month = jul, year = {2013}, keywords = {Mobile devices, Q1, ambient intelligence, android, context-awareness, java, jcr1.953, jena, jenabean, mIO!, osgi, pervasive computing}, pages = {9635--9652} }'] [u' @incollection{nugent_mobile_2013, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {Mobile {NFC} vs {Touchscreen} {Based} {Interaction}: {Architecture} {Proposal} and {Evaluation}}, volume = {8277}, isbn = {978-3-319-03091-3}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03092-0_3}, abstract = {The advances in ICTs have been significant during the last years, but progress in this area has not been accompanied by so significant improvements in user experience techniques. This has led to a certain group of people being unable to make use and benefit from the advanced features and services offered by these technologies. One of the most innovative technologies for human-computer interaction is the Near Field Communication (NFC). In this paper we present a platform that uses NFC technology in order to reduce the digital gap for mobile users, together with an experiment carried out with the goal of evaluating the differences between executing mobile services using the proposed platform and using the traditional touchscreen-based interaction.}, booktitle = {Ambient {Assisted} {Living} and {Active} {Aging}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Curiel, Pablo and Zabaleta, Koldo and Lago, AnaB.}, editor = {Nugent, Christopher and Coronato, Antonio and Bravo, Jos\xe9}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Mobile devices, accesibility, android, java, jena, lagunfc, mobile interaction, nfc, reasoning, semantic technologies, social networks}, pages = {18--25} }'] [u' @inproceedings{lago_integration_2013, address = {Orlando, Florida USA}, title = {Integration of {Traditional} and {Emerging} {Technologies} in the {Education} {Sector}}, abstract = {The constant evolution that the Internet and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have suffered in recent years, has allowed the creation and improvement of more productive sectors. Education sector has been one of the sectors which most increase has had due to ICTs. Unfortunately, ICTs have been designed and deployed to change drastically the learning methodologies. One of the reasons for this reality is the several technology plans promoted by the governments. The main objectives of this kind of plans are to provide ICT resources to students and schools, ensuring Internet connectivity within the classroom and to promote the access to digital educational materials. Moreover, the technological gap is the main problem to solve in this area. Lecturers, teachers and students have to learn a lot of tools to have better experience inside the educational environments. We show by this work a platform based on digital pens integrated with one Learning Management System to minimize the technological gap by using devices that are everyday used.}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Pretel, Ivan and Zabaleta, Koldo}, year = {2013} }'] [u' @incollection{collazos_effectiveness_2013, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {Effectiveness {Measurement} {Framework} for {Field}-{Based} {Experiments} {Focused} on {Android} {Devices}}, volume = {8278}, isbn = {978-3-319-03067-8 978-3-319-03068-5}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03068-5_21}, abstract = {Most of the mobile phones have turned into full-connected devices. This provides companies with a perfect channel to interact with their potential clients and employees. The quality of the experience with these applications can directly affect the profits of the company it represents. Focusing on the mobile field and its extremely dynamic context, the quality of the experience can highly fluctuate. Inside this field, several methods and tools have been developed by defining a context of use. However, current methods can only capture it through adding external capture tools (added cameras, human observers...) that can change the experience. The main contribution in this article is a new approach to automatically measure effectiveness through a tiny but powerful mobile tool that can capture interaction metrics and the surrounding context without biasing the measured experience.}, booktitle = {Human {Computer} {Interaction}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Pretel, Ivan and Lago, Ana B.}, editor = {Collazos, C\xe9sar and Liborio, Andr\xe9ia and Rusu, Cristian}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Mobile HCI, context, effectiveness, evaluation, framework, mobile services, quality, usability}, pages = {123--130} }'] [u' @incollection{urzaiz_easing_2013, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {Easing {Communication} {Means} {Selection} {Using} {Context} {Information} and {Semantic} {Technologies}}, volume = {8276}, isbn = {978-3-319-03175-0 978-3-319-03176-7}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03176-7_30}, abstract = {Due to the advances in the ICTs in recent years, the variety of communication means at our disposal has noticeably increased. Some communication means offer simple tools to inform users about the status and availability of their contacts. However, not all of them offer this functionality, and indeed, elements like context, preferences and habits of the contact, which currently are not considered, should be taken into account before trying to stablish communication with a contact. In order to tackle this problem, we propose a platform that takes into account these features to assist users in deciding what communication means to use with each contact in each moment. Considering the real-time constraints of the system, a series of performance tests are also presented.}, booktitle = {Ubiquitous {Computing} and {Ambient} {Intelligence}. {Context}-{Awareness} and {Context}-{Driven} {Interaction}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Zabaleta, Koldo and Curiel, Pablo and Lago, AnaB.}, editor = {Urzaiz, Gabriel and Ochoa, SergioF. and Bravo, Jos\xe9 and Chen, LimingLuke and Oliveira, Jonice}, year = {2013}, keywords = {Mobile devices, Semantics, android, communications, java, jena, kontatu, mobile technology, reasoning, semantic technologies, social networks}, pages = {231--238} }'] [u' @article{lago_plataforma_2012, title = {Plataforma e-learning para la {Gesti\xf3n} {Integrada} de {Documentos} {Basada} en la {Digitalizaci\xf3n} {Autom\xe1tica}}, volume = {7}, issn = {1932-8540}, abstract = {Despite the advances in computing, traditional paper is still widely used in learning and knowledge work. Most current learning technologies do not account for this paper-centric practice and focus on a complete digitization of learning contents, activities, and communication. This paper presents an e-learning platform that combines work with printed and digital documents. It integrates pen-and-paper-based interaction techniques that enable users to manage their digitized documents. Moreover, this platform integrates different e-learning platforms providing a single intuitive interface to management them. Finally, a case study of the use of the platform in university education is presented.}, number = {3}, journal = {IEEE-RITA}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Pretel, Ivan}, year = {2012}, pages = {141--148} }'] [u' @incollection{pretel_mobile-human_2012, title = {Mobile-{Human} {Interaction} {Monitoring} {System}}, volume = {81}, isbn = {978-3-642-29478-5}, abstract = {Information and Knowledge Society is involved into a more challenging phenomenon than ever. The ability of mobile devices to access information and services from anywhere and anytime is the main reason that empowers the massive usage of this kind of technology. Software quality has to be improved by developing mobile device interaction models according to the user necessities. These necessities have more kind of users than ever. It means the quality in use improvement is vital to the interaction. By this work we aim to give a more explicit point of view of the problems that appear during mobile application quality testing. In order to do so, we have studied a context model for mobile interaction design and the existing ways to capture, analyze and evaluate the user interaction. Finally we present one software solution consisted by a tiny mobile application and a desktop application. The exposed system can capture all necessary information to calculate quality in use metrics defined within ISO/IEC 9126 standard. The contribution revealed is a new approach to quality testing methodology focused on mobile applications where it is possible to improve the reliability of its results by paying special attention to minimize the influence of external elements used to monitor the interaction.}, booktitle = {Mobile {Lightweight} {Wireless} {Systems}}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author = {Pretel, Ivan and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2012}, keywords = {context-awareness, hci, mobile services, quality in use}, pages = {198--205} }'] [u' @inproceedings{curiel_context_2012, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, title = {The {Context} {Manager}: {Personalized} {Information} and {Services} in {Mobile} {Environments}}, isbn = {978-1-61208-236-3}, abstract = {In this paper, we present a context management infrastructure for mobile service environments. Due to the remarkable advances the mobile technologies have experimented in the last years, mobile devices have become one of the most promising scenarios for the deployment of context-aware systems. For this reason, the aim of the proposed infrastructure is to provide context information to applications and services, both executed in the end-user terminals or in the network, enabling them to adapt their behaviour to each user and situation. The solution here exposed relies on semantic technologies and open standards to improve interoperability, and is based on a central element, the context manager, which acts as a central context repository and carries out demanding tasks in behalf of mobile devices.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {The} {Sixth} {International} {Conference} on {Mobile} {Ubiquitous} {Computing}, {Systems}, {Services} and {Technologies}}, author = {Curiel, Pablo and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2012}, keywords = {Mobile devices, ambient intelligence, android, context-awareness, core-c, java, jena, jenabean, mIO!, osgi, pervasive computing}, pages = {14--17} }'] [u' @article{pretel_mobile_2012, title = {Mobile {Interaction} {Capturing} {System} in {Real} {Environments}}, volume = {8}, issn = {1934-7332}, abstract = {Mobile applications are being used in a great range of fields and application areas. As a result, many research fields have focused on the study and improvement of such devices. The current Smartphones are the best example of the research and the evolution of these technologies. Moreover, the software design and development is progressively more focused on the user; finding and developing new mobile interaction models. In order to do so, knowing what kind of problems the users could have is vital to enhance a bad interaction design. Unfortunately, a good software quality evaluation takes more time than the companies can invest. The contribution revealed in this work is a new approach to quality testing methodology focused on mobile interactions and their context in use where external capturing tools, such as cameras, are suppressed and the evaluation environments are the same as the user will use the application. By this approach, the interactions can be captured without changing the context and consequently, the data will be more accurate, enabling the evaluation of the quality-in-use in real environments.}, journal = {Computer Technology and Application}, author = {Pretel, Ivan and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2012}, keywords = {context-awareness, hci, mobile applications, quality in use}, pages = {533--543} }'] [u' @inproceedings{curiel_infraestructura_2012, address = {Madrid, Spain}, title = {Infraestructura de gesti\xf3n de contexto para un entorno de ejecuci\xf3n de servicios m\xf3viles inteligentes}, volume = {1}, isbn = {978-1-4673-2843-2}, abstract = {El crecimiento del mercado de los dispositivos m\xf3viles, unido al uso permanente que hacemos de ellos y la variedad de sensores de los que disponen hacen de estos una plataforma inmejorable para el despliegue de aplicaciones sensibles al contexto. En este art\xedculo presentamos una infraestructura de gesti\xf3n de contexto, cuyo cometido es administrar la informaci\xf3n de contexto en un entorno en movilidad con la finalidad de ofrecer servicios adaptados a los usuarios. De este modo analizamos las entidades involucradas en la gesti\xf3n del contexto en un entorno de estas caracter\xedsticas y los requisitos que debe cumplir la infraestructura, para posteriormente detallar los aspectos m\xe1s relevantes de la implementaci\xf3n y las tecnolog\xedas empleadas. Finalmente describimos el caso de uso dise\xf1ado para demostrar las capacidades de la soluci\xf3n propuesta.}, booktitle = {Actas de la 7\xaa {Conferencia} {Ib\xe9rica} de {Sistemas} y {Tecnolog\xedas} de {Informaci\xf3n}}, author = {Curiel, Pablo and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2012}, keywords = {ISI, Mobile devices, ambient intelligence, android, context-awareness, java, jena, jenabean, mIO!, osgi, pervasive computing}, pages = {427--432} }'] [u' @incollection{curiel_infrastructure_2012, series = {Lecture {Notes} in {Computer} {Science}}, title = {An infrastructure to provide context-aware information and services to mobile users}, isbn = {978-3-642-35376-5 978-3-642-35377-2}, abstract = {Mobile devices have undergone great changes in the last few years, turning into powerful hand-held computers. This, together with the numerous information sources they have access to, both in form of physical sensors and applications with access to the Internet and large amounts of personal data, make them an ideal platform for the deployment of context-aware applications. In this paper we present a context management infrastructure for mobile environments, responsible for dealing with the context information which will enable mobile application and services to adapt their behaviour to meet user needs. This infrastructure relies on semantic technologies to improve interoperability, and is based on a central element, the context manager. This element acts as a central context repository and takes most of the computational burden derived from dealing with this kind of information, thus relieving from these tasks to more resource-scarce devices in the system.}, number = {7656}, booktitle = {Ubiquitous {Computing} and {Ambient} {Intelligence}}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author = {Curiel, Pablo and Lago, Ana Bel\xe9n}, year = {2012}, keywords = {ISI, Mobile devices, ambient intelligence, android, context-awareness, java, jena, jenabean, mIO!, osgi, pervasive computing}, pages = {233--240} }'] [u' @inproceedings{pretel_eva:_2011, address = {Chaves, Portugal}, title = {{EVA}: {Collaborative} {Virtual} {Learning} {Environment} based on digital pens}, volume = {2}, isbn = {978-989-96247-5-7}, abstract = {Although day by day Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are becoming increasingly important, the physical paper is widely used, especially in education. The majority of the technologies that are being implemented in education are ignoring this fact, digitizing every content and communication activities without considering the preferences of students. This article proposes a framework that integrates the use of physical paper with virtual learning environments to allow the creation and sharing of documents and conducting collaborative activities not only in class, but also remotely. It aims to demonstrate that the connection between the digital world and physical paper will contribute to the improvement of the productivity of students.}, language = {Spanish}, booktitle = {6th {Iberian} {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} and {Technologies} ({CISTI})}, author = {Pretel, Iv\xe1n and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2011}, keywords = {Anoto, Virtual Learning Environment, digital pen, educational technology}, pages = {1 -- 4} }'] [u" @inproceedings{pretel_capturing_2011, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, title = {Capturing {Mobile} {Devices} {Interactions} {Minimizing} the {External} {Influence}}, isbn = {978-1-61208-171-7}, abstract = {Mobile computing has become an integral part of everyday life for the new 'Information and Knowledge Society'. The new generation of mobile devices and their full connection capabilities enable users to access a wide choice of services and knowledge from everywhere. Owing to this tendency, access to these services has to be improved by developing mobile device interaction models according to the user necessities. According to the ISO/IEC 9126 standard, the quality in use exists inside the quality fields. This kind of quality measures how a product can satisfy the needs of a particular user to achieve specific goals in a specified context. By the revealed quality testing methods focused on mobile applications, it is going to demonstrate it is possible to decrease the external influence caused by the existing capturing tools. Therefore, the contribution revealed is a new approach to user interaction focused on mobile applications where it is possible to improve its results reliability capturing the quality in use and paying special attention to the context of use. In order to do so, we present a study about how to minimize the external influence capturing user interactions. We describe capture methods and existing monitoring systems and also one prototype in order to validate the proposed methodology. This work reveals it is possible to gather user interaction information in mobile environments without the need of any external capturing system.}, booktitle = {{UBICOMM} 2011, {The} {Fifth} {International} {Conference} on {Mobile} {Ubiquitous} {Computing}, {Systems}, {Services} and {Technologies}}, author = {Pretel, Ivan and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2011}, keywords = {User Experience, core-c, hci, mobile services, monitoring, quality in use}, pages = {200--205} }"] [u' @inproceedings{lago_enhancing_2011, address = {Madrid, Spain}, title = {Enhancing {User} {Experience} in {Virtual} {Learning} {Environments} with {Digital} {Pens}}, isbn = {978-84-615-3324-4}, abstract = {The exponential evolution that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have suffered the last years has been one of the reasons why all type of sectors as industrial or educational have improved their productivity. One of the disadvantages of this fast evolution is that not all users have been used to this new technologies, basically because the way of doing a task has drastically changed. This problem is known as \u201cincrease of the technological or digital gap\u201d. In order to reduce this technological gap we have designed, implemented and evaluated a new Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) based on digital pens. This solution consists of the integration of typical devices with a Learning Management System (LMS), concretely, Google Apps. A digital pen looks and feels like a normal ballpoint pen but thanks to it the handwriting can be captured, stored and sent by a safe way. In this case these data are sent to the LMS where students can manage and share notes by this platform and complete an existing document in the LMS with the digitalized information. The platform also offers a way to evaluate the students. Students can do several tests created by teachers previously. To carry out this activity, students will use a digital pen. Thus, the digitized information with the answers of the students will send to the platform where the tests are corrected immediately.}, booktitle = {{ICERI}2011 {Proceedings}}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Pretel, Ivan and Zabaleta, Koldo}, year = {2011}, keywords = {digital pen, learning management systems, technological gap}, pages = {5563--5568} }'] [u' @inproceedings{pretel_framework_2010, address = {Santiago de Compostela, Spain}, title = {Framework para la {Evaluaci\xf3n} de la {Calidad} en {Uso} de {Servicios} {M\xf3viles}}, volume = {2}, isbn = {978-989-96247-3-3}, abstract = {En un mundo cada vez m\xe1s competitivo, en el que el grado de exigencia y formaci\xf3n del usuario crece a medida que aumenta la oferta, las empresas de telecomunicaciones afrontan grandes desaf\xedos en el proceso de puesta en el mercado de sus productos. Para lograrlo, las empresas son cada vez m\xe1s conscientes de que no s\xf3lo hay que evaluar la calidad interna y externa del producto sino que tambi\xe9n es necesario evaluar la experiencia del usuario o calidad en uso frente al producto. En este art\xedculo se propone un framework para la medida y evaluaci\xf3n de la calidad en uso basada en el est\xe1ndar ISO/IEC 9126-4. La evaluaci\xf3n se basa en cuatro caracter\xedsticas: efectividad, productividad, seguridad y satisfacci\xf3n. Se pretende demostrar que es posible agilizar la evaluaci\xf3n de la calidad en uso de servicios m\xf3viles mediante la automatizaci\xf3n de la captura y an\xe1lisis de la calidad en uso.}, language = {Spanish}, booktitle = {5th {Iberian} {Conference} on {Information} {Systems} and {Technologies} ({CISTI})}, author = {Pretel, Iv\xe1n and Lago, Ana B.}, year = {2010}, keywords = {ISO/IEC 9126, calidad en uso, evaluaci\xf3n, experiencia del usuario, servicios m\xf3viles} }'] [u' @inproceedings{lago_application-aware_2009, address = {Dubl\xedn, Irlanda}, title = {An application-aware approach to efficient power management in mobile devices}, isbn = {978-1-60558-353-2}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1621905}, doi = {10.1145/1621890.1621905}, abstract = {Reducing the energy consumed in the use of mobile wireless devices, by extending the lifetime of the batteries that power them, is one of the mayor challenges in designing such systems. While this problem can be addressed at various levels (e.g. device, operating system, middleware, application), we think that it is possible to get a higher energy savings when considering the needs of the applications (application-aware). Our approach is centred on analyzing the behaviour of the applications more than the resources. In this paper, we present an application-aware framework which utilizes the needs of the applications and Dynamic Power Management (DPM) techniques focused on the wireless network card to control and reduce power consumption at runtime. We include a novel technique that increases the energy savings. The experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves up to 75.1\\% average reduction in the energy consumed by the wireless network interface}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Fourth} {International} {ICST} {Conference} on {COMmunication} {System} {softWAre} and {middlewaRE}}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Larizgoitia, Iker}, year = {2009}, keywords = {power management}, pages = {11} }'] [u' @book{lago_vilarino_solucion_2007, title = {Soluci\xf3n de movilidad para la gesti\xf3n inteligente de aplicaciones y recursos sensible a las necesidades de las aplicaciones}, isbn = {978-0-549-32933-6}, publisher = {ProQuest Information and Learning}, author = {Lago Vilari\xf1o, Ana Bel\xe9n}, year = {2007}, keywords = {dispositivos m\xf3viles, gesti\xf3n de energ\xeda} }'] [u' @inproceedings{lago_plataforma_2006, address = {Alcal\xe1 de Henares, Madrid, Spain}, title = {Plataforma de servicios {WALLIP}}, isbn = {84-8138-703-7}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Larizgoitia, Iker and V\xe1zquez, Juan Ignacio}, year = {2006}, keywords = {Web services, location based services} }'] [u' @inproceedings{lago_plataforma_2006, address = {Monterrey, Mexico}, title = {Plataforma de servicios de valor a\xf1adido: {WALLIP}}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Larizgoitia, Iker and V\xe1zquez, Juan Ignacio}, year = {2006}, keywords = {WALLIP, Web services, location based services} }'] [u' @inproceedings{trueba_solucion_2006, address = {Alcal\xe1 de Henares, Madrid, Spain}, title = {Una soluci\xf3n para la movilizaci\xf3n de servicios empresariales: plataforma {MOSE}}, isbn = {84-8138-703-7}, author = {Trueba, Roberto and Lago, Ana B. and Larizgoitia, Iker}, year = {2006}, keywords = {MOSE, mobile services} }'] [u' @inproceedings{lago_wallip:_2006, address = {Portugal}, title = {{WALLIP}: development of a platform of valued additional service}, isbn = {978-989-20-0271-2}, abstract = {El proyecto WALLIP es una iniciativa de varias empresas que tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo de una plataforma de servicios sobre la que cualquier proveedor de aplicaciones pueda desarrollar servicios de valor a\xf1adido. Adem\xe1s, permite el desarrollo de aplicaciones m\xf3viles sensibles a la informaci\xf3n contextual de localizaci\xf3n y a las preferencias del usuario que permitir\xe1n proporcionarle sugerencias adecuadas a cada momento que facilitan al usuario su interacci\xf3n con el entorno, y extienden su propia percepci\xf3n. En este proyecto se ha desarrollado la plataforma, tres servicios (uno de movilidad, otro de localizaci\xf3n y otro de gesti\xf3n de perfiles, todos ellos integrados en la plataforma) y dos aplicaciones de prueba, un Asistente Tur\xedstico y una aplicaci\xf3n de Operaci\xf3n y Mantenimiento, utilizando una arquitectura SOA basada en Servicios Web}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Larizgoitia, Iker and V\xe1zquez, Juan Ignacio}, year = {2006}, keywords = {ISI, Web services, context-aware, location based services} }'] [u' @inproceedings{lago_application-aware_2006, address = {Ciudad real}, title = {An application-aware approach to mobile operation optimization}, isbn = {84-690-1744-6}, abstract = {In this paper we present an idea of how to model mobilized application behaviour in order to improve their operation and resource management, specially those aspects affecting battery, network connection and overall performance. Our approach is centred on analyzing the behaviour of the applications more than the resources itself. We think that the resources are better managed if the needs of the applications are known in advance (application-aware computing). So, this approach focuses on the definition of a behaviour-modelling policy (in XML). We also discuss a framework we are designing where these policies would be applied. The purpose of the framework is to provide inexperienced developers with easy mechanisms to include mobile specific issues in their applications}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Larizgoitia, Iker and Trueba, Roberto}, month = nov, year = {2006}, keywords = {XML-based policies, application-aware, mobile apps, power management} }'] [u' @inproceedings{lago_middleware_2006, address = {Monterrey, Mexico}, title = {Middleware para la movilizaci\xf3n de servicios empresariales: {MOSE}}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Larizgoitia, Iker and Trueba, Roberto}, year = {2006}, keywords = {MOSE, mobile apps} }'] [u' @inproceedings{vazquez_wallip:_2005, address = {Granada}, title = {{WALLIP}: {Una} plataforma de servicios con percepci\xf3n contextual basada en localizaci\xf3n}, isbn = {84-9732-442-0}, abstract = {El proyecto WALLIP es una iniciativa de varias empresas que tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo de una plataforma de servicios sobre la que los Proveedores de Aplicaciones puedan desarrollar servicios de valor a\xf1adido. Este proyecto ha desarrollado la plataforma, dos servicios, uno de movilidad y otro de localizaci\xf3n, que se han integrado en la plataforma y dos aplicaciones de prueba, un Asistente Tur\xedstico y una aplicaci\xf3n de Operaci\xf3n y Mantenimiento para los operarios del metro, utilizando una arquitectura SOA basada en servicios web.}, booktitle = {Ubiquitous {Computing} and {Ambient} {Intelligence}, {CEDI}}, author = {V\xe1zquez, Juan Ignacio and Lago, Ana Belen and Larizgoitia, Iker and Uria, Ignacio and Banales, Rafael}, year = {2005}, keywords = {SOA, WALLIP, Web services} }'] [u' @inproceedings{lago_desarrollo_2005, address = {Granada}, title = {Desarrollo de la plataforma de servicios {WALLIP}}, isbn = {84-9732-455-2}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and Larizgoitia, Iker and V\xe1zquez, Juan Ignacio and Uria, I. and Ba\xf1ales, R.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {WALLIP, Web services, location based services} }'] [u' @inproceedings{lago_evaluacion_2000, address = {Alcal\xe1 de Henares, Madrid, Spain}, title = {Evaluaci\xf3n y {Dise\xf1o} de {Redes}: una asignatura cercana al mundo laboral}, isbn = {84-38194-2000}, author = {Lago, Ana B. and del Val, Jose Luis}, year = {2000}, keywords = {network design} }']