- Publications
- Conference paper
- Dynamic discovery and semantic reasoning for next generation intelligent environments
Dynamic discovery and semantic reasoning for next generation intelligent environments
[u' @inproceedings{lopez-de-ipina_dynamic_2008, title = {Dynamic discovery and semantic reasoning for next generation intelligent environments}, abstract = {This work describes an OSGi-based middleware platform to enable more scalable, future-proof, cost-efficient and standard-following intelligent environments. It complements OSGi with two main features which make it even more suitable for intelligent environment management: a) dynamic discovery and monitoring of distributed semantic services and b) semantic context modelling and reasoning for intelligent service provision. Furthermore, it evaluates the suitability of applying semantic technologies in the construction of intelligent environment middleware.}, booktitle = {2008 {IET} 4th {International} {Conference} on {Intelligent} {Environments}}, author = {L\xf3pez-De-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Almeida, Aitor and Aguilera, Unai and Larizgoitia, Iker and Laiseca, Xabier and Ordu\xf1a, Pablo and Barbier, Ander and Vazquez, Juan Ignacio}, year = {2008}, keywords = {Context-Aware Computing, ambient intelligence, intelligent environments, middleware, ontologies, osgi, pervasive computing, semantic reasoning}, pages = {1--10} }']