- Publications
- Conference paper
- Empowering citizens into co-creators of demand-driven public services
Empowering citizens into co-creators of demand-driven public services
[u' @inproceedings{lopez-de-ipina_empowering_2018, address = {Lisbon (Portugal)}, title = {Empowering citizens into co-creators of demand-driven public services}, isbn = {978-989-8533-80-7}, abstract = {Open Government aims to enhance the transparency, participation and collaboration of city stakeholders in order to give place to Smarter Cities. This paper describes the WeLive co-creation fostering methodology together with its associated co-creation tools and a wide range of resulting co-created artefacts. This combination of co-creation methodology, platform and assets have been used to foster higher and better public-private partnerships for addressing citizen needs through new user demand-driven public services in four pilots across Europe. The lessons learned from this piloting on the value of co-creation to enhance participation and collaboration among distinct Smart Cities stakeholders are described.}, booktitle = {{IADIS} {International} {Conference} {Theory} and {Practice} in {Modern} {Computing} 2018}, author = {L\xf3pez-de-Ipi\xf1a, Diego and Misikangas, Pauli and Emaldi, Mikel and Aguilera, Unai and Drajic, Dejan and Sillaurren, Sara}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Open Data, Open Government, Open services, co-creation, smart cities}, pages = {162--173} }']