The research group T>SIC at the Polytechnic University of Madrid ( has extensive experience in analyzing, implementing and evaluating services of the information society, e-health and e-inclusion, as well as the securing of networks and applications.
The MoreLab – Mobility Research Lab – group ( belonging to University of Deusto has been researching on interoperability middleware, context modelling and reasoning and mobile-mediated interaction with intelligent environments, all of it applied to AmI and AAL, since 2003.
MAmI Research Lab of Castilla-La Mancha University ( began its work in the Pervasive Health area in 2006. The group is known at the national level and maintains relationships with various universities because of organizing the International Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence has allowed them to also meet other groups in the international level as researchers from Carnegie Mellon, Trinity College, Phillips Research, etc.
Since 1994, the core activity of the research group of Industrial Computing and Computer Networks (I2RC) ( consists of the initiative of a balanced implementation of the research, education and innovation (R+E+I) system in the area of information, communications and control technologies (TICC) to provide hands-on environment, both in the immediate to the individual (clothing, footwear and accessories: wearable TICC), as in the mediate field of the home, workplaces, transportation, furniture,...