DEUSTO organises the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2019)

Published on Sunday, 27 October 2019 - 09:22

DEUSTEK organized the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2019)

From 22 From 22 to 25 October the University of Deusto held the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2019). This Conference, which builds on the success of its predecessors since 2008, is the premier forum to share, discuss and witness cutting edge research in all areas of development for the Internet of Things.

The Conference included original, high impact research papers which have been reviewed and selected based on technical novelty, the integrity of the analysis and social-environmental impacts and practical relevance, on topics related to the development and adoption of the Internet of Things. Moreover the program included three keynote speakers: Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, one of the most influential people in IoT, who talked about "The Illusion of the Smart House", Andy Stanford-Clark, chief technology officer of IBM in the United Kingdom and Ireland, on "Innovation starts at home." and Benoît Piranda, from the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté University, Institut FEMTO-ST, CNRS ( France).

MORElab members Diego Casado-Mansilla and Oihane Gómez-Carmona presented their work at the conference. Diego presented the paper entitled User Involvement Matters: The Side-Effects of Automated Smart Objects in Pro-environmental Behaviour authored by himself, Pablo Garainzar and Diego López-de-Ipiña.

Oihane presented the work "Simplicity is Best: Addressing the Computational Cost of Machine Learning Classifiers in Constrained Edge Devices" authored by herself, Diego Casado-Mansilla, Javier García-Zubia and Diego López-de-Ipiña. Moreover, this paper was awarded an honourable mention.