04 Dec, 2024 |
The H2020 AURORAL project represented in the 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI)
02 Oct, 2024 |
Oihane Gómez-Carmona participated in the “The 48th IEEE International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2024)”
03 Nov, 2023 |
DEUSTO organises the AURORAL General Meeting
06 Oct, 2022 |
Oihane Gómez-Carmona participated in the “ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2022)”
31 May, 2022 |
MORElab member Diego Casado-Mansilla has given a talk about IoT trends to Berian Forum members in Azpeitia
31 May, 2022 |
MORElab participated in the European Regions for Smart Communities Summit, first face-to face meeting of the H2020 AURORAL Project
03 May, 2022 |
MORElab participated in the Fashion Revolution initiative
17 Jan, 2022 |
The University of Deusto represented AURORAL in the Inter-OSS workshop within the IoT Conference 2021
05 Oct, 2021 |
Oihane Gómez Carmona, new Doctor in MORElab
01 Jul, 2020 |
MORElab members are awarded by Atlas-Elsevier for their research
28 Jun, 2020 |
Markel Iglesias-Urkia defends his PhD
27 Oct, 2019 |
DEUSTO organises the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2019)
11 Jun, 2019 |
Special Issue: "Social Networks and Social Ubiquitous Computing", PUC, Springer (JCR: 1.924, Q2)
11 Jun, 2019 |
Special Issue on “Internet of People: Human-driven Artificial Intelligence and Internet for Smarter Hyper-Connected Societies”, FGCS, Elsevier (JCR: 4.639, Q1)
11 Jun, 2019 |
MSCA-IF-2019 Call for Expressions of Interest Deusto Foundation/DeustoTech - Causal modeling for the understanding of the energy demand on the residential and service sectors
11 Jun, 2019 |
MSCA-IF-2019 Call for Expressions of Interest Deusto Foundation/DeustoTech - Towards Smarter Environments bringing together Human and Machine Intelligence
31 May, 2019 |
Approval of PARITY H2020 project
19 May, 2019 |
MORElab participated in Zientzia azoka and Ecodesign panel
27 Feb, 2019 |
ESTIA met MORElab in DeustoTech premises
03 Oct, 2018 |
TP-Link partners with us to deploy Smart Plugs
01 Oct, 2018 |
Instalation of Birloki in Gipuzkoa's vocational training centers
19 Jul, 2018 |
Ane Irizar Arrieta participated in the "3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies"
03 Jul, 2018 |
Oihane Gómez-Carmona participated in the “14th International Conference on Intelligent Environments”
08 Jun, 2018 |
Assistance and participation in the IoT Week & Global IoT Summit 2018
27 Apr, 2018 |
8th GreenSoul plenary meeting in Seville
26 Apr, 2018 |
SmiWork project in the Bilbao’s Science Fair and ForoTech
26 Feb, 2018 |
HOPU's Smart POI solution installed in MORElab premises
17 Jan, 2018 |
The 7th meeting of H2020 GreenSoul project in Bilbao
26 Oct, 2017 |
Assistance to the 7th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2017)
07 Aug, 2017 |
Diego Casado-Mansilla assisted to the ICT4S Summer School in Lorentz center
27 Jul, 2017 |
The paper presented by Ane Irizar-Arrieta was selected for the Best Early Career Research Award.
20 Jul, 2017 |
Oihane Gómez-Carmona participated in the “2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science”
22 Jun, 2017 |
DeustoTech organises the 5th Plenary Meeting for the GreenSoul Project
10 Mar, 2017 |
DeustoTech at 4th Plenary Meeting in Weiz for the GreenSoul Project
14 Sep, 2016 |
Diego Casado Mansilla, the new MORELab's PhD
08 Jul, 2016 |
GreenSoul's 2nd project meeting in Greece
20 Apr, 2016 |
GreenSoul's Kick-off meeting in Seville
26 Nov, 2015 |
DiY tech-tools for ecological transition in the Maker Faire bilbao
29 Oct, 2015 |
Approval of GreenSoul H2020 project
17 Jun, 2015 |
MORElab members explain IoT and Wearables on TV
21 Jan, 2015 |
Workshop on iBeacons technology
28 Nov, 2014 |
MORElab vision about the future of IoT on the consumer appliances sector in Automática e Instrumentación magazine
03 Nov, 2014 |
Visit to Lincoln University
07 Jul, 2014 |
Aitor Gómez-Goiri participated in the 3rd International Conference on "Extending Seamlessly to the Internet of Things"
04 Jul, 2014 |
MORElab's members will lead two workshops within the e-ghost summer courses
30 May, 2014 |
Talk about Eco-aware everyday objects at Madrid's makerspace
29 Nov, 2013 |
Digital Interaction Design for the Maritime Museum's exhibition
25 Nov, 2013 |
First edition of Bilbao Sustainability Jam
22 Nov, 2013 |
Workshop on Arduino at BIME Hack-day
21 Oct, 2013 |
Invited talk in Belgium (Sustainable IoT devices)
12 Jul, 2013 |
What can I do with my Arduino?
01 Mar, 2012 |
Apps for a Better World Awards
13 Feb, 2012 |
Eco-awareness Social Devices presented in IoT Madrid meetup
23 Nov, 2011 |
Arduino Workshop
23 Nov, 2011 |
Do-it-Yourself! event