Date Title
03 Nov, 2023 DEUSTO organises the AURORAL General Meeting
26 Jun, 2023 The University of Deusto has participated in the EU GREEN WEEK within the context of the H2020 AURORAL Project
07 Dec, 2022 MORElab participated in the 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2022)
06 Oct, 2022 Oihane Gómez-Carmona participated in the “ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2022)”
16 Jul, 2022 Patient enrollment started for the BD4QoL clinical trial
21 Jun, 2022 The University of Deusto participated in the F2F Meeting between Pilot sites and Tech partners in the context of the H2020 AURORAL Project
31 May, 2022 MORElab member Diego Casado-Mansilla has given a talk about IoT trends to Berian Forum members in Azpeitia
31 May, 2022 MORElab participated in the European Regions for Smart Communities Summit, first face-to face meeting of the H2020 AURORAL Project
03 May, 2022 MORElab participated in the Fashion Revolution initiative
27 Apr, 2022 Three innovations by MORElab members in the BD4QoL project included in the Innovation Radar platform of the European Commission
25 Jan, 2022 BD4QoL project mentioned as flagship initiative by the European Commission Sub-group on Cancer
17 Jan, 2022 How does BD4QoL work?
17 Jan, 2022 The University of Deusto represented AURORAL in the Inter-OSS workshop within the IoT Conference 2021
05 Oct, 2021 Oihane Gómez Carmona, new Doctor in MORElab
24 Jun, 2021 NET4Age-Friendly recognised by the United Nations as a good practice
18 Dec, 2020 Adrian Núñez-Marcos, new doctor in MORElab
03 Nov, 2020 Participation on the AI4Good Digital Workshop
03 Nov, 2020 Special Issue: "Emerging IoT Technologies for Smart Environments Ⅱ" Sensors, IF: 3.275
18 Sep, 2020 Kick-off of REACH H2020 incubator for data-fuelled solutions, where MORElab leads Incubation Process
01 Jul, 2020 MORElab members are awarded by Atlas-Elsevier for their research
28 Jun, 2020 Markel Iglesias-Urkia defends his PhD
24 Jun, 2020 Aritz Bilbao, new doctor in MORElab
10 Mar, 2020 Kick-off meeting of the BD4QoL project
10 Mar, 2020 Participation in the "Human Right to Health and New technologies: Challenges and opportunities" workshop
27 Oct, 2019 DEUSTO organises the 9th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2019)
23 Sep, 2019 DeustoTech received the Basque Goverment Grant for the Acquisition of Scientific Equipment
23 Sep, 2019 Kick-off meeting of the EU-SHAFE project
11 Jun, 2019 Special Issue: "Social Networks and Social Ubiquitous Computing", PUC, Springer (JCR: 1.924, Q2)
11 Jun, 2019 Special Issue on “Internet of People: Human-driven Artificial Intelligence and Internet for Smarter Hyper-Connected Societies”, FGCS, Elsevier (JCR: 4.639, Q1)
11 Jun, 2019 MSCA-IF-2019 Call for Expressions of Interest Deusto Foundation/DeustoTech - Causal modeling for the understanding of the energy demand on the residential and service sectors
11 Jun, 2019 MSCA-IF-2019 Call for Expressions of Interest Deusto Foundation/DeustoTech - Towards Smarter Environments bringing together Human and Machine Intelligence
31 May, 2019 Approval of PARITY H2020 project
28 May, 2019 2nd CFP IoT Conference organized in Deusto
19 May, 2019 MORElab participated in Zientzia azoka and Ecodesign panel
11 Apr, 2019 Diego López-de-Ipiña named Corresponding Member of JAKIUNDE, Basque Academy of Science, Art and Literature
22 Mar, 2019 Special Issue "Emerging IoT Technologies for Smart Environments" (JCR IF: 2.475)
20 Mar, 2019 Special Issue: Cross-layer innovations in Internet of Things (JCR IF: 1.61)
27 Feb, 2019 ESTIA met MORElab in DeustoTech premises
06 Feb, 2019 Ikerbasque PostDoc Position: Data Scientist on Heterogeneous Data Management and Analytics
10 Dec, 2018 MORElab participated in the 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2018)
12 Nov, 2018 We were invited to IBM's event "Think Madrid”
15 Oct, 2018 Aritz Bilbao Jayo participated in the "The 15th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2018)".
03 Oct, 2018 TP-Link partners with us to deploy Smart Plugs
01 Oct, 2018 Instalation of Birloki in Gipuzkoa's vocational training centers
25 Sep, 2018 City4Age has been highlighted in the European Commission Digital Single Market Newsletter as a successful project story
24 Sep, 2018 Aritz Bilbao Jayo participated in the "56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics"
05 Sep, 2018 Rubén Mulero participaded in the 2nd International Summer School on Deep Learning 2018
19 Jul, 2018 ​Ane Irizar Arrieta participated in the "3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies"
06 Jul, 2018 City4Age receives the Deusto Research Social Impact Label
03 Jul, 2018 Oihane Gómez-Carmona participated in the “14th International Conference on Intelligent Environments”
08 Jun, 2018 Assistance and participation in the IoT Week & Global IoT Summit 2018
29 May, 2018 Oihane Gómez-Carmona participated in the “12th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare”
21 May, 2018 Final general assembly of the City4Age Project in Lecce
27 Apr, 2018 8th GreenSoul plenary meeting in Seville
26 Apr, 2018 SmiWork project in the Bilbao’s Science Fair and ForoTech
17 Apr, 2018 €5 Million Fund for Big Data startups and SMEs – European Data Incubator is open for applications
27 Feb, 2018 Special Issue on Smart Technologies and Architectures enabling the Internet of Things
26 Feb, 2018 HOPU's Smart POI solution installed in MORElab premises
23 Jan, 2018 Symposium on Embedded Systems & Internet of Things
17 Jan, 2018 The 7th meeting of H2020 GreenSoul project in Bilbao
09 Jan, 2018 New predoctoral grant for MORElab member
21 Nov, 2017 Special issue on Smart Cities, Journal of Communications Software and Systems (JCOMSS)
27 Oct, 2017 City4Age: Second project review
26 Oct, 2017 Assistance to the 7th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2017)
20 Sep, 2017 Ane Irizar arrieta assisted to the 31st EnviroInfo International conference on environmental informatics
08 Sep, 2017 Foodbar project receives IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Award
04 Sep, 2017 Rubén Mulero & Unai López assisted to the 14th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2017)
07 Aug, 2017 Diego Casado-Mansilla assisted to the ICT4S Summer School in Lorentz center
27 Jul, 2017 The paper presented by Ane Irizar-Arrieta was selected for the Best Early Career Research Award.
26 Jul, 2017 Assistance to the Deep Learn summer school
20 Jul, 2017 Oihane Gómez-Carmona participated in the “2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science”
22 Jun, 2017 DeustoTech organises the 5th Plenary Meeting for the GreenSoul Project
24 Apr, 2017 Special Collection on the Future of Data Analysis in Smart Cities (IF: 0.906)
20 Mar, 2017 Eight Quarter Meeting of Welive project in Donostia-San Sebastian
10 Mar, 2017 DeustoTech at 4th Plenary Meeting in Weiz for the GreenSoul Project
08 Mar, 2017 First brainhack at Biocruces -- Cruces Hospital
01 Mar, 2017 Quarter Meeting of City4Age project in Montpellier, France
06 Feb, 2017 We have published several datasets related to the political activities on social networks
02 Feb, 2017 4th Simpatico General Assembly in Santiago de Compostela
01 Feb, 2017 Workshop on IoT in Elderly-Friendly Cities and Healthy Ageing Services
30 Jan, 2017 Symposium on RFID & Embedded Systems for Internet of Things
27 Jan, 2017 Oscar Peña, the new MORELab's PhD
24 Jan, 2017 Special Issue: Internet of Things and Smart Environments Supporting Healthy Ageing Services (IF 0.922)
21 Dec, 2016 New predoctoral grants for MORElab members
20 Dec, 2016 First Project Review
14 Dec, 2016 City4Age pilot sites videos
13 Oct, 2016 MORElab receives a NVIDIA GPU Grant
11 Oct, 2016 Simpatico General Assembly in Palermo Italy
10 Oct, 2016 Quarter Meeting of City4Age project in Milan, Italy
15 Sep, 2016 Sixth Quarter Meeting of Welive project in Trento Italy
14 Sep, 2016 Diego Casado Mansilla, the new MORELab's PhD
01 Sep, 2016 Talk about Ambient Assisted Cities by Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña
08 Jul, 2016 GreenSoul's 2nd project meeting in Greece
29 Jun, 2016 Juan López de Armentia, the new MORELab's PhD
06 Jun, 2016 3rd general meeting for the City4Age project in Athens
20 May, 2016 Participation in DataBeers Euskadi II
16 May, 2016 Green Week 2016 - Partner Event
27 Apr, 2016 Leandro Madrazo and Álvaro Sicilia from Ramon Llull university visited MORElab group
20 Apr, 2016 GreenSoul's Kick-off meeting in Seville
18 Apr, 2016 Pablo Orduña, one of the two winners of the Call to innovation 2016
11 Mar, 2016 Kick-off meeting for the SIMPATICO project in Trento
03 Feb, 2016 David Buján, the new MORELab's PhD
29 Jan, 2016 Xabier Eguiluz, the new MORELab's PhD
12 Jan, 2016 JUCS (JCR IF: 0.466): Special Issue on Analyzing the Political Discourse on Online Social Networks
14 Dec, 2015 Three new open positions in Deustotech-Internet
14 Dec, 2015 Kick-off meeting for the City4Age project in Milan
09 Dec, 2015 MORElab participated in the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2015)
30 Nov, 2015 Attendance to SONOPA project’s Quarterly Meeting
26 Nov, 2015 DiY tech-tools for ecological transition in the Maker Faire bilbao
16 Nov, 2015 Mikel Emaldi, the new MORELab's PhD
10 Nov, 2015 Iván Pretel, the new MORElab's PhD
06 Nov, 2015 Halmstad Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting Health and Wellbeing
04 Nov, 2015 Smarter Cities talk in UCLM, Ciudad Real
30 Oct, 2015 David Ausin, the new MORElab's PhD
29 Oct, 2015 Approval of GreenSoul H2020 project
29 Oct, 2015 Presentation about H2020 proposal evaluations in INFODAY HORIZONTE 2020
28 Oct, 2015 Approval of SIMPATICO H2020 project
22 Oct, 2015 Attendance to ICT Event in Lisbon
14 Oct, 2015 Meeting MoveSmart and Workshop organized in Deusto
30 Sep, 2015 9th Quaterly Meeting for IES Cities project in San Sebastian, Donostia
25 Sep, 2015 Attendance to WeLive H2020 project’s 2nd Quaterly Meeting
16 Sep, 2015 Towards Smarter Inclusive Cities talk at Halmstad University
16 Sep, 2015 Oscar Peña presented his research advances in MTSR'15
14 Sep, 2015 MORElab Principal Researcher offers University of Deusto’s Course Opening Lecture
25 Aug, 2015 Approval of City4Age H2020 project
17 Jun, 2015 MORElab members explain IoT and Wearables on TV
04 May, 2015 Janire Larrañaga participated in the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications (ISPLC)
16 Apr, 2015 MOVESMART progress: Live Traffic Reporter available on Google Play
27 Mar, 2015 Laying the foundation stone of future Deusto FabLab
17 Mar, 2015 MORElab members help to organize a Hackathon in Zaragoza within the context of IES Cities Project (March, 20-22th)
10 Mar, 2015 Eduardo Castillejo, new doctor at MORElab
02 Mar, 2015 Open Data Day 2015
21 Jan, 2015 Workshop on iBeacons technology
17 Dec, 2014 IES Cities Fifth Quarter Meeting
28 Nov, 2014 MORElab vision about the future of IoT on the consumer appliances sector in Automática e Instrumentación magazine
03 Nov, 2014 Visit to De Montfort University: Towards Ambient Assisted Cities
03 Nov, 2014 Visit to Lincoln University
21 Oct, 2014 Attendance to IEEE IS'14
21 Oct, 2014 Attendance to IES Cities' FQM at Bristol
17 Oct, 2014 Juan López de Armentia participated in The App Date event
13 Oct, 2014 Attendance to ICT Proposers Day
30 Sep, 2014 Jacathon Aragón Open Data
24 Sep, 2014 Approval of H2020 project WeLive under INSO1 topic
22 Sep, 2014 labman presentation in LD4KD
12 Sep, 2014 MORElab invited talk in AAL Forum 2014
02 Sep, 2014 labman_ud beta version released
02 Sep, 2014 Faculty of Engineering Best End-term Project Award
02 Sep, 2014 Best PhD and Best End-term project awards for MORElab members
07 Jul, 2014 Aitor Gómez-Goiri participated in the 3rd International Conference on "Extending Seamlessly to the Internet of Things"
04 Jul, 2014 MORElab's members will lead two workshops within the e-ghost summer courses
23 Jun, 2014 MORElab at CISTI'14
17 Jun, 2014 Aitor Gómez Goiri, the new doctor of MORElab
30 May, 2014 Talk about Eco-aware everyday objects at Madrid's makerspace
12 May, 2014 MORElab hosts the IES Cities Project Fourth Quarter Meeting (4QM) & First Project Review Meeting
09 May, 2014 Analysis of the European Elections’ campaign
31 Mar, 2014 User-generated Data as a key enabler of Smarter Cities
31 Mar, 2014 Teseo's visual analytics website released
05 Mar, 2014 Smart City seminar given by Dr. Diego López de Ipiña at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento
25 Feb, 2014 Open Data Hack Day - Bilbao 2014
17 Feb, 2014 Derek Foster from LisC visited MORElab
03 Feb, 2014 MORElab members receive degree prizes
29 Jan, 2014 PhD graduation of MORElab members
21 Jan, 2014 eMadrid Seminar on "Big Data in Education"
19 Dec, 2013 IoT Bizkaia 2013
16 Dec, 2013 3D PrintShow - London 2013
16 Dec, 2013 Official maintainer of basque chapter of DBpedia
16 Dec, 2013 VisionTech4Life - technology for reducing environmental impacts in civil work sites
16 Dec, 2013 Welcome to MORElab’s new website
29 Nov, 2013 Digital Interaction Design for the Maritime Museum's exhibition
25 Nov, 2013 First edition of Bilbao Sustainability Jam
22 Nov, 2013 Workshop on Arduino at BIME Hack-day
11 Nov, 2013 VisionTech4Life - technology for reducing environmental impacts in civil works sites
31 Oct, 2013 Presentations in the Frontiers in Education Conference
31 Oct, 2013 PhD lecture in National University of Rosario
25 Oct, 2013 Dr. Liming Luke Chen visited DeustoTech - MORElab
21 Oct, 2013 Invited talk in Belgium (Sustainable IoT devices)
18 Oct, 2013 AAL Call 5 - SONOPA
18 Oct, 2013 Attendance to IES Cities' SQM at Bristol
27 Sep, 2013 Juan López de Armentia attended UbiComp 2013 Doctoral School
20 Sep, 2013 First SNOLA presential meeting
20 Sep, 2013 Invited talk in Mexico (Future Internet)
15 Jul, 2013 Placements of MORElab staff at Universiteit Gent and TU Delft
15 Jul, 2013 Visit of Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña to Multimedia Lab in Universiteit Gent
12 Jul, 2013 What can I do with my Arduino?
05 Jul, 2013 Juan López de Armentia attended esIoT 2013
01 Jul, 2013 MORElab members Iván Pretel , Pablo Curiel and Koldo Zabaleta participated in the 8th CISTI'13 Conference
24 Jun, 2013 Juan Sixto has assisted to the 18th NLDB Conference
19 Jun, 2013 Goodbye Smartlab!
12 Jun, 2013 Aitor Almeida, the new doctor of MORElab
04 Jun, 2013 Pablo Orduña, the new doctor of MORElab
22 May, 2013 Spanish Network of Learning Analytics
14 May, 2013 Research is a long distance race
07 May, 2013 SONOPA kick-off meeting
06 May, 2013 Unai Aguilera, the new doctor of MORElab
12 Apr, 2013 ForoTech 2013
07 Mar, 2013 Results Open Data Hack Day 2013
11 Feb, 2013 Open Data Hack Day 2013
10 Jan, 2013 SourcePlanet, trying to facilitate the creation of new products using Open Source
17 Dec, 2012 Random Hacks for Kindness @Bilbao
11 Dec, 2012 Go-Lab kickoff meeting
02 Dec, 2012 UCAmI & IWAAL 2012
02 Dec, 2012 AppCircus in DeustoTech/Faculty of Engineering
15 Nov, 2012 MORElab at IEEE-SA Internet of Things Workshop
05 Nov, 2012 Pablo Orduña has been Honored with the TR35 Spain Award
08 Oct, 2012 MORElab participated at UBICOMM12
17 Sep, 2012 David Ausín has participated in the IEEE-IS 12
03 Sep, 2012 MORElab accepted as "PlanetData" member"
03 Sep, 2012 JCR in Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
03 Sep, 2012 New JCR in Sensors journal
03 Sep, 2012 MORElab paper selected as 2011 one of top-5 articles in Novática
17 Jul, 2012 Three PhD students of MORElab attended Semantic Summer School
17 Jul, 2012 MORElab at ADHOC-NOW 2012
17 Jul, 2012 JCR in the Computers In Human Behavior journal
17 Jul, 2012 Another JCR indexed publication
17 Jul, 2012 Diego Lopez-de-Ipiña's talk at RedBD
04 Jul, 2012 Pablo Orduña presented WebLab-Deusto at Singularity University
29 Jun, 2012 MORElab at Ambient Assisted Living Summit
26 Jun, 2012 Benchmarking results of semantic reasoners applied to an ambient assisted living environment at ICOST2012
25 Jun, 2012 RESTful Triple Spaces of Things at WoT 2012
21 Jun, 2012 OpenThings Day
28 May, 2012 CDTI meeting of the THOFU project,
22 May, 2012 MORElab took part in the celebration of Internet Day
11 May, 2012 CICD2012 (Congreso Internacional de Ciudadanía Digital)
27 Apr, 2012 New JCR publications
21 Mar, 2012 Antonio J. Jara Visited the MORElab
16 Mar, 2012 "Via Inteligente" Awards
01 Mar, 2012 Apps for a Better World Awards
20 Feb, 2012 Presentation of mIO & ACROSS finished projects results
13 Feb, 2012 Eco-awareness Social Devices presented in IoT Madrid meetup
24 Jan, 2012 Mobile Apps Competition for a Better World
19 Dec, 2011 Cloud Computing Workshop
19 Dec, 2011 Fifth ACROSS project meeting in Seville
19 Dec, 2011 Contribution presented in ROBOT2011, Seville
19 Dec, 2011 Project deployment in ALIMERKA in Gijón
19 Dec, 2011 Project deployment in ABAT hospital in Vilanova i la Geltrú
14 Dec, 2011 MORElab gets into the LOD Cloud
14 Dec, 2011 MORElab at International Open Data Day
23 Nov, 2011 Arduino Workshop
23 Nov, 2011 Do-it-Yourself! event
14 Nov, 2011 Participation in IEEE Sensors 2011
24 Oct, 2011 mCloud kick-off meeting
20 Oct, 2011 THOFU Project Meeting
11 Oct, 2011 INNPACTO 2011
21 Jun, 2011 Participation in WoT 2011
19 Jun, 2011 Participation in ICOST 2011
12 Jun, 2011 Participation in IWAAL 2011
02 Jun, 2011 mIO! video demos
02 Jun, 2011 ACROSS Fourth General Meeting
02 Jun, 2011 A Semantic Resource Oriented Middleware for Pervasive Environments
11 Apr, 2011 LifeWear (Mobilized Lifestyle with Wearables)
28 Feb, 2011 Imhotep contribution
25 Feb, 2011 Imhotep at Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal
20 Jan, 2011 UD-Grupo Santander award
17 Jan, 2011 Printing in 3D gets more practical
15 Dec, 2010 ACROSS Third General Meeting
14 Dec, 2010 Presenting PIRAmIDE results
13 Sep, 2010 Participation in UCAmI 2010
13 Sep, 2010 Identifying Security Issues in the Semantic Web: Injection attacks in the Semantic Query Languages
13 Sep, 2010 A user-centric approach to adaptable mobile interfaces
21 Jul, 2010 TALISMAN+ENGINE granted
19 Jul, 2010 Databar Expanded code contributed to ZXing project
16 Jul, 2010 A Triple Space-Based Semantic Distributed Middleware for Internet of Things
16 Jul, 2010 A Platform for a More Widespread Adoption of AAL
14 Jul, 2010 A Hybrid and Semantic Location Management System for Mobile User Generated Geo Services
14 Jul, 2010 Edición de proceedings
09 Jun, 2010 Presentaciones públicas del proyecto PIRAmIDE en Cartagena
07 May, 2010 Second General Meeting of ACROSS
29 Jan, 2010 II International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living
19 Oct, 2009 Third General Meeting of PIRAmIDE
29 Sep, 2009 3rd Spanish Scientific Symposium on RFID
28 Sep, 2009 MoreLab member awarded by a best student paper prize in the SoftCOM'09
05 Dec, 2008 MoreLab member awarded by a session best article prize in the "Jornadas RFID 08" conference
06 Nov, 2008 Project Sensaware - Kick Off
31 Oct, 2007 SmartLab contribution to Science Week
25 Jul, 2007 Talk about "Lower-s Semantic Web"
25 Jul, 2007 Talk about NFC, 20 July 2007
25 Jul, 2007 RIA course, July 9th to 13th
24 Jul, 2007 Course about Python, July 2nd to 6th
19 Jun, 2007 A New Doctor for MoreLab
02 May, 2007 MoreLab in the press
25 Apr, 2007 MoreLab researcher wins the Spanish 2007 Ricoh Java Programming Contest
13 Mar, 2007 SmartLab launched
05 Mar, 2007 ZAINGUNE project started
05 Feb, 2007 SmartLab project started
02 Oct, 2006 Flexeo project started
12 May, 2006 Presentation about Mobility 2.0 at Web2.0 Workshop
12 May, 2006 Journal publication by MoreLab members
12 May, 2006 New papers by MoreLab Members at Pervasive 2006 and ICCSA 2006
03 Mar, 2006 MoreLab to contribute in the W3C Workshop on the Ubiquitous Web
08 Feb, 2006 New paper published by MoreLab members
31 Jan, 2006 MoreLab hosts the meeting of the European Project AMIGO
31 Jan, 2006 SmartLab: an Ambient Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Deusto
15 Dec, 2005 Website running!